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Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis (ILABA): Bylaws

Revised January 2022

Article I: Name and Purpose

The name of this Association shall be the Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis (ILABA). ILABA is a state-wide association whose purposes are to promote the analytical science of behavior and the application of its associated technologies within the State of Illinois. Specifically, the association will:

  • Serve as a scientific and professional reference group for all in the State of Illinois who identify themselves as scientists or practitioners in disciplines that embrace the principles and practices of behavior analysis.
  • Promote research that will advance understanding of all facets of human, animal, organizational and societal behavior.
  • Identify and promote the application of effective and humane behavioral systems to meeting the educational, habilitative, and mental health needs of all persons within the State of Illinois.
  • Support the well-being of society by developing and enhancing the application of behavioral principles.
  • Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to all matters pertaining to behavior analysis in the State of Illinois.
  • Organize and sponsor member program services such as an annual convention which serves as a forum for presentation of scientific and technological achievements as well as for discussion of organizational affairs at the discretion of the Board.
  • Publish and distribute an official newsletter devoted to the dissemination of scientific and technological achievements within the scope of behavior analysis and to matters of interest to the membership.

Article II: Membership

ILABA shall have three (3) classes of members: Full, Student/Technician, and Affiliate. Membership is contingent upon payment of ILABA dues and upon fulfillment of the following conditions. Membership dues will be set by a vote of the Board.

  • Full Members must hold a minimum of a master's degree in psychology, behavior analysis, or a related discipline.
  • Student/Technician Members are those Members who do not meet criteria for Full membership and are either:
  • currently enrolled in a college degree program or in a post-graduate training program
  • in behavior analysis or a related discipline and/or 
  • working full or part time in the delivery of behavior analytic services under the supervision of a behavior analyst.
  • Affiliate Members are those who do not qualify as Full Members or Student/Technician Members.

Article III: Board Composition and Governance

  • Guiding principles for elected positions:
  • Fiduciary Duty - Board members have a fiduciary duty to the association, including duties of care, loyalty, and obedience. The association’s officers and directors should exercise ordinary and reasonable care in the performance of their duties, exhibit honesty and good faith, and act in the best interests of the association. Officers and directors of the association should act in accordance with these bylaws and other governing documents, as well as applicable laws and regulations.
  • Reliance on Experts - Unless the Board Member has knowledge that makes reliance unwarranted, the Board Member, in performing their duties to the association, may rely on written or oral information, opinions, reports, or statement prepared or presented by officers or members of the association, committees, legal counsel, public accountants, or other persons as to matters that the Board Member believes in good faith to be within the person’s professional or expert competence.
  • Willful Ignorance and Intentional Wrongdoing - Board Members cannot remain willfully ignorant of the affairs of the association. 
  • Elected Positions: The following Elected Positions will comprise the Board and constitute all voting members of the Board. All Elected Board Members, with the exception of the Student Representative, must be a Full Member of the association and consist of:
  • President - The President is elected to a four-year term (1 year as President Elect, 2 years as President, and 1 year as Past President). President-Elect should be a past or current member of the board and voted upon by the current board. As President-Elect, this person is responsible for shadowing the current President for training purposes. During the President's term, the President is responsible for coordinating and facilitating Board meetings and implementation of strategic actions at the discretion of the Board. In the event that a President cannot complete their term, the President-Elect will assume the office. In the event there is no President Elect, a President will be voted on from the existing board members. The Past President will chair meetings until the President is voted on. The Past President will serve in an advisory capacity for the President.
  • Communications Coordinator - The Communications Coordinator serves a two-year term. This person communicates to members as needed, creates and disseminates the newsletter, and manages social media accounts.   
  • Secretary - The Secretary serves a two-year term. The Secretary keeps minutes at all board meetings, archives important documents related to association business, serves as Parliamentarian, manages elections, and supports the President. 
  • Conference Coordinator - The Conference Coordinator serves a four-year term. This person supervises and supports operations, secures a venue and presenters, and acts as a liaison on behalf of the Board for the annual conference. 
  • Members at Large - Four Members at Large will serve as committee chairs and advise association policy as needed. Members at Large serve four-year terms. Their elections shall be staggered so that one Member at Large is elected each year. 
  • Student Representative - The Student Representative must be a Student Member of the organization and functions in the same capacity as a Member at Large and serves a two-year term. The Student Representative will focus on student engagement and initiatives.
  • Appointed Positions. The following positions are appointed by the Board and do not have voting privileges:
  • Treasurer - The Treasurer manages the association’s financial affairs in consultation with the Board and must be an Affiliate or Full Member of the association. This position has no term limits.
  • Committee Chair. Each Committee Chair is responsible for maintaining an accurate list of its committee members, ensuring members are current ILABA members, setting and executing committee initiatives, and maintaining Committee Minutes.  Each committee will be overseen by a Board Member at Large.
  • Removal of Board Member. An elected Board Member may be removed from their positions on the Board without cause if such removal is approved by a majority vote of the membership. An appointed Board Member may be removed by a majority vote of the Board.
  • Resignation. If a Board Member chooses to resign, they are required to provide a resignation letter and at least fourteen (14) days notice in writing to the Board. In the event that the Treasurer wishes to resign, a 90-day notice shall be provided to the Board to allow time to transfer accounts and permissions.
  • Replacement. In the event of death, incapacity, removal, or resignation, or election of any of Elected Board Members to different Elected Position, the ILABA Board shall, by majority vote, appoint a successor to serve in the Board Member’s vacated position until the completion of that term. This successor of any vacated Elected Position (with the exception of Student Representative) may be any Full Member. In the event that the vacated position is the Student Representative, the Student Representative can only be filled with Student/Technician Member. In the event that the Board wishes to change the appointment of an Appointed Position, a majority Board Member vote is required to remove and replace the then current Member.
  • Power of the Board. The Board, except as the Bylaws otherwise provide, may authorize any director or directors, agent or agents, to form task forces and committees, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of this association. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Unless so authorized by these Bylaws or the Board, and except as in this Section herein above provided, no director, agent or employee shall have any power or authority to bind this association by any contract or agreement, or to pledge its credit, or to render it liable for any purpose or to any amount.
  • Board Meetings.
  • Quorum - A quorum is defined as at least 75% of Board Members. A majority is required to move a motion forward. When voting online, a minimum of at least three (3) business days are required to allow board members sufficient time to respond.
  • The board shall meet no less than once per month (one meeting may coincide with the annual conference). Meetings may be called by a majority petition of the Board Members. 
  • The board shall hold an annual full day working meeting.

Article IV: Elections and Voting

  • Call for Nominations: The Secretary shall invite nominations for Elected Positions whose term is expiring from all Members (Full, Student/Technician, Affiliate) who are not on the Board through electronic communications. 
  • Nomination period. The nomination period shall end the latter of seven (7) days from the date of the call for nominations email or when each expiring Elected Position has at least one (1) nominee who has accepted said nomination. 
  • Nominee Required Criteria. All nominees must follow the criteria detailed in Article 3 of the ILABA Bylaws. Once identified, the Board will vote to approve the nominee(s) before sending out the options to General membership via electronic ballot. Considerations for approval may include limiting affiliation with an organization to safeguard against one association carrying too much influence and diversifying the composition of the board to include professionals across the field of Behavior Analysis. Nominees shall also be in good standing with the BACB and legal entities.
  • Accepting Nominations. The Secretary will email Nominee(s) to notify that they have been nominated and review the position that they were nominated for. The Nominee(s) have five (5) days to officially accept the nomination from the time the Secretary contacts them.
  • The Board will abstain from voting in the open elections due to having confirmation during the nomination period.
  • Vacated Seats and Appointed Positions - Appointed and vacated seats will be filled by nomination of a Board Member and require a majority vote of Board Members. 
  • Any person elected to a vacant Elected Position will serve for the period of time remaining of the term of that Elected Position.
  • If a current Elected Position has an Elect seat, the person in the elect seat will move into the vacated Elected Position and a new nomination process will be held for the newly vacated elect seat.  
  • If a Past seat of an Elected Position vacates, that seat will remain vacant until the newly elected person fills the position. 
  • A Full Member may not hold two (2) Elected Positions at the same time. To accept a new Elected Position, said individual must resign from a current Elected Position via formal resignation letter and will begin duties of the new position on a timeline deemed appropriate by the current board.
  • Voting. Elections will be held by electronic ballot and vote information will be sent to ILABA members along with the ballot. Voting periods for the general membership will last for ten (10) days.  Board Members will abstain from voting in all general membership elections.
  • Results. 
  • A vote is decided when a majority of the votes of the members who voted via the electronic election process. Incomplete ballots will be tabulated with any omissions in the ballot being a non-vote and the calculation of the majority being adjusted.
  • In the event that a vote results in a tie, the Board will vote to break the tie (President abstaining) via electronic ballot. If there is a tie on this vote, the President will vote to break the tie. 
  • Notification of Results. Once results of voting are complete, the Board will contact the new Board Member(s) via electronic communication and will include all necessary onboarding materials. The Board will notify the membership of newly filled elected positions via electronic communication or at the annual conference. 
  • Conflict of Interest/Confidentiality. ILABA board members must not engage in conflicts of interest that could potentially damage the association or affect decision-making of issues regarding the association. Board Members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest each year; engaging in a conflict of interest may result in termination of board duties. Additionally, all Board Members must adhere to strict confidentiality regarding board meetings and association business.

Article V: Convention

  • ILABA shall hold an annual convention at a time and place determined by the Conference Coordinator and with the consensus of the Board. Registration costs for the convention vary by membership status. At the annual convention, the President, or a representative appointed by the President, shall convene a Business Meeting to conduct the affairs of the organization. Initiatives proposed at the Business Meeting, other than bylaw amendments, will be enacted if endorsed by a majority of Members voting.

Article VI: Amendments

  • Amendments or changes to these Bylaws are implemented if endorsed by more than two-thirds of all members voting at the Business Meeting or via electronic voting. Suggested amendments or changes by the membership must be submitted in writing to the Board thirty (30) days prior to the Business Meeting.

Article VII: Fiscal Year

  • ILABA operates their fiscal year in alignment with the calendar year, which ends on the thirty-first (31st) day of December.

Article VIII: Non-Discrimination

  • The Board, Members, and Officers of ILABA and the persons that ILABA seeks to serve shall be selected entirely on a nondiscriminatory basis with respect to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, pregnancy, religion, age, visible and invisible disability, neurotype, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, employment status, immigration status, or socioeconomic status.

Revision History

Adopted June 2011

Revised July 2016

Revised September 2017

Revised December 2018

Revised October 2019

Revised February 2020